Privacy Notice


The Prince’s Trust Group relies on the generosity and support of individuals like you to to achieve our mission to transform lives and build sustainable communities. We are committed to protecting the personal details that we process when you engage with us.

This Privacy Notice explains why we may ask for your personal information and tells you what we will do with it. We aim to be transparent with what we do with your information and will only use your information in a way that you would reasonably expect us to.

The Privacy Notice tells you:

1.     Who we are

2.     Where we collect information from

3.     Information we collect

4.     What we do with your information

5.     Legal Basis for processing your information

6.     How we update your information

7.     Who we share information with

8.     How to access, correct or delete your information

9.     How we keep your data safe

10.  How long we store your data for

11.  Contact us

12.  Further information

We may update this Privacy Notice from time-to-time so please check it regularly. This Privacy Notice was last updated in February 2023. If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or our Cookie Policy- please contact our Data Protection Officer by email or by post using the postal address below.

1. Who we are

Prince’s Trust Group Company is a charity that operates in the UK to support the work of The Prince’s Trust Group of charities – including The Prince’s Trust, Prince’s Trust International, Prince’s Trust Aotearoa New Zealand, Prince’s Trust Australia, Prince’s Trust Canada and Prince’s Trust USA. The mission of The Prince’s Trust Group is to transform lives and build sustainable communities, by making a positive difference to the lives of young people and under-represented communities.

In this Notice wherever you see the words ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’, it refers to Prince’s Trust Group Company.

Prince’s Trust Group Company is a registered charity number (1200643) in England and Wales. Our principal office is 8 Glade Path, London SE1 8EG.

We are registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO) Registration number ZB436540

2. Where we get your information

We get information in one of the following ways:

Information you give us

·       Most of the personal information we process is directly from you when you interact with us for example, you take part in an event or make a donation.

Information from Others

·     We receive information about you indirectly from Prince’s Trust charities within The Prince’s Trust Group or from the Royal Household. We only receive information in this way if you have given your consent for your information to be shared or if it is reasonable for your information to be passed to us, for example if you are attending a PT Group event, or an event at Buckingham Palace. We recommend that you should check the Privacy Notice for each entity and the Royal Household to understand how your information will be used.

Any information we receive indirectly will be covered by our Privacy Notice as well as that of the originating party.

Information we get from your use of our website and services

·       We collect information about the services you use and how you use them, such as when you visit our websites, watch a video on our YouTube channel, or view and interact with our content.

Information in the public domain

·       We may obtain some information from publicly available sources such as Companies House, newspaper articles or open postings on social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

3. Information we collect

The personal information that we process includes:

·       Your title, name, gender and date of birth;

·       Your contact details (address, email and phone number);

·       Family and spouse/partner details,

·       Relationships to other Prince’s Trust charity supporters;

·       Your professional activities and employment details;

·       Current interests and activities;

·       Gift aid status and records of donations;

·       Contact preferences;

·       Information about your wealth;

·       Media articles about you;

·       Your IP address, location, browser type and information on how you interact on our website;

·       Your bank or credit card details in line with payment card industry standards; and,

·       Any other information provided by yourself at the request of Prince’s Trust Group Company.

Where appropriate we may also ask about your interests and motivation for supporting The Prince’s Trust Group, you should only answer this question if you are comfortable providing us with the information.

4. What we do with your information

If you support us, for example by making a donation, volunteering, registering to fundraise, or signing up for an event, we will mainly use your information to:

·       Provide you with the services, products or information that you asked for;

·       Provide you information about other services, products or information we think might interest you, if you have consented to being contacted about those;

·       Administer your donation or support your fundraising, including processing Gift Aid;

·       Send you surveys, or ask you to take part in market research;

·       Invite you to events;

·       Keep a record of your relationship with us and record the contact we have with you; and

·       Ensure we know how you prefer to be contacted.

We use tracking tools to improve the effectiveness of our communications with you, including tracking whether you open emails we send you and which links you click within a message.

We may also use personal information to carry out due diligence in line with our Accepting, Refusing and Returning Donations Policy  so that we are fundraising in accordance within the law, the Code of Fundraising Practice and our internal policies and procedures.

5. Legal Basis for processing your information

Under the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act, we must have a legal reason to collect, keep and use your data. We rely on the following legal basis for processing your data:

a.     Consent

When we process with your consent, you hac the right to remove your consent at any time.  We explain how you can do in section 8 below.

b.     Legitimate Interests

We process your personal data for our legitimate interests to allow us to run Prince’s Trust Group Company as a charitable entity effectively and in pursuit of our objectives.  When we process your personal information for our legitimate interests, we make sure to consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights under data protection laws. We will always ensure that your personal data will not be used where our interests are overridden by the impact on you.

The following are some examples of instances where we process your data for our legitimate interest:

Profiling and analysing information of our supporters: We carry out limited profiling and research to help us understand our donors and potential donors, including gathering information from publicly available resources to gain an insight into philanthropic interests and ability to support Prince’s Trust Group.

·       To tailor the type and level of support we ask you for, we may analyse personal information we collect about you including how you have engaged with us previously, demographic information, measures of affluence, philanthropic interests and networks.

·       We may also use information in the public domain, for example listed Directorships or typical earnings in a given area.

·       In some instances, we may use third party wealth screening companies or insight companies to provide us with general information about you (please refer to section 6 for further information on data shared with third parties).

You can opt out of your data being used for profiling and wealth screening techniques by contacting us using the details below.

6. How we update your information

We routinely review records of our supporters and volunteers to ensure information we hold is as accurate as possible and always appreciate it if you let us know if your contact details change. Where possible we use publicly available sources to keep your records up to date for example, the Post Office’s National Change of Address database, or information provided to us by other organisations as described in Section 1. It is important that we keep your personal data as up to date as possible so that we can cross reference your information with the Mail and Telephone Preference Services.

7. Who we share your information with

We are committed to protecting your data and therefore it will never be sold. We will only disclose your information to those acting as agents for us and data processors carrying out work on our behalf. Where we engage the services of anyone who will process your data on our behalf will have formal agreements that protect the security of your data.  The organisations we may share with include:

·       Charities within The Prince’s Trust Group and the Royal Household for the reasons explained above,

·       Suppliers who send out communications on our behalf, such as invitations to our events,

·       Wealth screening and insight companies (see section 3 for more information);

Should we merge with another organisation to form a new entity, your data may be transferred to the new entity;

We may also share your information with Government departments where we have a duty to do so e.g. with HMRC for Gift Aid purposes.


8. How to access, correct or delete your information

You have rights under data protection to see, amend, correct or delete your information.  If you would like see a copy of some or all of your personal information that we hold, please email the Data Protection Officer or write to us at Prince's Trust Group Company, South London Centre, 8 Glade Path, London SE1 8EG. Please provide details of your interaction with us and your full name.

If you do not want to receive any further information about The Prince’s Trust Group and would like us to remove your name from our mailing list, use the unsubscribe link in the email you have received.  You can also contact us using the details above

9. How we keep your data safe

We aim to ensure that there are appropriate, physical, technical and managerial controls in place to protect any personal information you may provide to us, for example our online forms are always encrypted and our network is protected and monitored. All our staff receive training on handling data securely.

Where we employ the service of others to collect or process data on our behalf, we carry out comprehensive checks before we work with them and ensure that contracts are in place that set out our expectations and requirements. We may need to transfer your personal data outside of the UK or European Economic Area (EEA) to allow them to perform services on our behalf (for example invitation or participation in an event outside of the EEA in support of The Prince’s Trust Group). In doing so your data may be stored or processed outside of the EEA. Where this happens, we will endeavour to ensure that your data is being processed in accordance with the appropriate security requirements in line with our legal responsibilities.

Despite all of our precautions no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Whilst we will always strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information which you disclose to us and so wish to draw your attention to this.

10. How long we store your data for

We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity and in line with our Retention Policy. Some personal data that we share with the Royal Household may be kept indefinitely by them in the Royal Archives for reasons of historic interest. If you ask that we stop sending you marketing materials we will keep a record of your contact details and appropriate information to enable us to comply with your request not to be contacted by us. We won’t keep any information that we don’t need.

11. Contact us

If you have any queries about this Privacy Notice or any complaints concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer.

12. Further information

The laws governing how your personal data can be used are:

·       UK General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (UK GDPR)

·       Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA)

·       The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR)

We also follow the best practice code set out by the Fundraising Regulator: Code of Fundraising Practice.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights. You can contact the ICO at to find out more about your rights or to report a concern about how we process your data.